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Wile E.
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Training At The Right Tempo

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Training At The Right Tempo - Beast Sports Nutrition
Coming from a football background I know all about training at the right tempo. From the no-huddle, hurry-up, spread, ball control, and 2 minute drill offenses, changing tempo can dictate results. Working out in the gym is no different. There are times when pushing the tempo during a set will help blast through any plateau. If you’re stuck in neutral on your goals then it’s easy to come into the gym and forget that every piece of equipment connects to a system that is intended to achieve fitness success. Based on your goals, the sets and reps that control the volume of a workout are designed to increase size, tone and burn fat. Everyone can count reps and sets, but rarely is any thought put into what the purposes of these reps are and how long each rep should be. Here’s were tempo training comes into play. Training tempo is all about the amount of time it takes to perform a rep and place the muscle under tension. When you change the tempo of your workouts, your body is caught off-guard and will most likely be shocked by the different flows. Now this doesn’t mean that you go at warp speed, because the rate of your tempo is dictated by personal training method preferences. There are 3 different kinds of methods I use when I train: Stabilization, Strength, and Explosive training styles, all focus on different tempos and will allow your body to reach new goals.
  • Stabilization = slow (4/2/1)
  • Strength = moderate (2/0/2)
  • Power = explosive (1/1/1)
Eccentric /Isometric/ Concentric The perfect example of these methods can be found when training legs and core. Use each component to maximize our performances on the field. Here are 3 different tempo exercises using the same basic compound movement of a squat:
  1. Leg Stabilization - Ball or Box Squats
  2. Leg Strength - Barbell Squats to parallel depth
  3. Leg Power - Squat Jump
Whether you’re looking to be explosive on the field, stronger in the gym or better balanced, knowing the root exercises of your goal is key. Once the root is established control the tempo and achieve success.