Become A Pull-Up Beast
Posted by Erin Connolly on
We all want to be that beast in the gym knocking out unassisted pull-ups like it’s no big deal, but how do you become a pull-up Beast? How do you go from not being able to pull yourself up once, to repping out multiple unassisted pull-ups? Follow these simple steps to increase your back strength and endurance.
Know The Lingo:
- Chin-up = your palms are facing yourself
- Pull-up = your palms face away from yourself
- Negative Pull-up = jump up into a pull up (chin above bar) and lower yourself down very slowly back to starting position
- N pull-ups with assistive band
- 3 Negative pull-ups
- 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X weight
- N+1 pull-ups with assistive band
- 4 Negative pull-ups
- 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+5lb weight
- N+2 pull-ups with assistive band
- 5 Negative pull-ups
- 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+10lb weight
- N+3 pull-ups with assistive band
- 6 Negative pull-ups
- 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+10lb weight
- N+4 pull-ups with assistive band
- 7 Negative pull-ups
- 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+15lb weight
- N+5 pull-ups with assistive band
- 8 Negative pull-ups
- 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+20lbs