Spin to Burn Serious Calories
Posted by BEAST Sports on
If you’re looking to burn some SERIOUS calories, you might want to consider incorporating a spin class into your cardio regime! Spin intervals are a great way to keep your heart rate in the fat burning zone and add a little resistance on your legs. If you don’t have access to a spin CLASS don’t you worry, I have a spin workout all ready for you! This is a spin routine that I teach in my spin class and will burn (depending on your personal stats) anywhere from 400-550 calories in this 50 minute killer cardio session! (For me, it was about 525 calories). You do not need to complete the full 50 minutes if you are a beginner. Before you get started, if you’ve never done spin before there are a few terminologies you should be familiar with.
- Climb- (high resistance, low speed)
- Sprints- (low resistance, high speed)
- Race Sprints- (low resistance, high speed, hover low over handles)
- Saddle- (your seat)
- In The Saddle- (your butt is on the seat)
- Out of the Saddle- (your butt is out of the seat)
- Flat/Base Speed- (medium speed, no resistance, like biking on flat ground)
- Warm-Up: Base Speed, Mr. Saxobeat- Alexandra Stan
- Medium Resistance: Increase your resistance until its medium-hard. One More Night- Maroon 5
- Sprint (Flat-Medium): Start at your base speed and during every chorus sprint as fast as possible, then increase the resistance. Call On Me- Eric Prydz
- Speed Interval/Climb: I Cry- Flo Rida (at 00:48 seconds during the hook, increase your resistance, and sprint once the chorus begins. After chorus, slow your pace but increase resistance and repeat. Continue until the end of the song)
- Recovery: Base speed. Beggin- Madcon, (Increase resistance 2:00 min into the song)
- Climb (In/Out of saddle): Feel It- Three 6 Mafia (00:22 seconds come out of the saddle through chorus, then increase resistance. Repeat until resistance is extremely hard. Try to match your pace with the beat of the song.
- Sprints (In/Out of Saddle): Base speed. Run- Flo Rida (ride out of the saddle during every chorus)
- Climb: Shut It Down- Pitbull (Every 30 seconds increase resistance)
- Recovery: Base Speed. Just Can’t Get Enough- Black Eyed Peas
- Speed Intervals/Climb: Gangnam Style- PSY (sprint at chorus, increase resistance after every chorus, repeat)
- Race Sprints: Blow- Ke$ha (sprint during every chorus)
- Medium Resistance (In/Out of saddle): Starships- Nicki Minaj (Climb out of the saddle during 00:38-1:24, 1:55-2:40, spring 3:11-END)
- Cool Down: Base Speed. Whistle- Flo Rida