Anyone can get in Shape

Posted by BEAST Sports on

It's a new year, and regardless of whether you've already started on a fitness regiment or are considering starting one, the new year can easily lead to a new you.  Getting into shape can be a daunting task, but it is attainable for anyone. The paths to fitness are different for everyone, but the end goal is always the same: a better, healthier you. With the new year, there's a lot people getting ready to jump into the fitness world, both feet, without realizing what they're getting themselves in to. Some will falter, and stop, some will last long enough to see results, but won't see them fast enough and will stop, and some, very few lucky ones will realize that fitness isn't an overnight thing and will use the small victories to propel them forward. My own fitness journey isn't much different.  I've been lifting weights for over 10 years at this point, but about 4 years ago I 'fell off the wagon' as it were and lost all my gains. I woke up one day at 185 pounds, completely out of shape, and decided this was not what I was wanted in life. I started out a fitness program, under the guidance of a personal trainer. Results were slow, but I used those results as little goal markers. I knew that if I set enough smaller goals, and kept attaining them, I'd eventually reach the larger goal that I was ultimately after. It took a long time, 2 1/2 years so far, and I'm still not at my ultimate goal yet, but I have been able to make dramatic improvement over that time. The secret is that I remained consistent, never gave up, and put my health first.  There were times I didn't want to go to the gym or cook those meals that I had to have. I had to dig deep down and remind myself that to live a better, healthier life, I had to do those things even when I didn't want to - those actions might not be what I wanted to do then, but they'd pay off later in my physique and health. So keep this in mind as you head back to the gym this new year: Find accomplishments in your victories, no matter how small they may seem, and use that momentum to drive you toward your next goal.  Build on what you've already accomplished and there's no limit to what you can accomplish! Make 2012 more than you hoped it could be!  width=Wayne is a former “IT” guy who decided to take his love for fitness and turn it into a new career.  Now a personal trainer by trade, Wayne spends his spare time hitting the weights and learning all he can about bodybuilding and nutrition.  He stays true to his IT roots by staying active on Twitter and several online games.