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David G.
David G.
Stars reviews Verified Purchase

I really enjoy the flavor and the results.Keep up the great work!!😃😃

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Great taste and mixes well. I will definitely be buying more.

Wile E.
Wile E.
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Great test boosters in a natural form best bang for your buck.

Do You Know Your Sweat Rate?

Posted by Promos Beast Sports on

Do You Know Your Sweat Rate?

Whether we have a great workout or not, one thing we can expect to do is sweat. We never really think about it, but do we know exactly what causes our bodies to expel perspiration? Better yet, how do we replenish what we have lost due to a tough workout and why is it important to do this? Staying hydrated and replacing lost fluid is essential to maintaining temperature regulation and maximizing performance. So as a good rule of thumb, consume 16 ounces of water at least an hour before your workout so that you are well hydrated. Once you have started your workout, be aware of your “sweat rate.” So, what is a sweat rate you ask. Your sweat rate is simply the amount of water weight lost in a typical one-hour workout and considering the amount of fluids consumed during your workout. To calculate your sweat rate, you must weigh yourself before and after your workout:

Subtract your post-workout weight from your pre-workout weight

Then add the amount of fluid you drank during workout

Example, if you lose 1lb during an hour workout and consume 8 ounces of fluid your sweat rate is 24 ounces (16 ounces lost + 8 ounces consumed). So, you should drink 6 ounces every 15 minutes to ensure that you meet your fluid deficiency.

Knowing what to drink is just as important. Stay away from sodas, juices, and energy drinks because of their high concentration of sugars not to mention the phosphorus they contain that robs the body of essential minerals.  If you want to help speed muscle recovery during workout, then you can opt to stay hydrated by consuming a quality intra-workout drink.  A good intra-workout will provide essential amino acids to accelerate muscle repair and recovery along with electrolytes to replenish the salts the body expels during workout.  Beast Aminolytes checks all the boxes with regards to amino acid content as it contains 10 grams of Essential Amino Acids (including 5 grams of BCAA's) and more than 1000 mgs of electrolytes per serving including magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

Water will always be the staple for hydration and 64 ounces is a great target for consumption throughout the day and will help replace fluids lost during daily activity. You should treat your body like your car and be aware of warning signs that something is wrong. Your “check engine light” will come in the form of thirst, dry mouth, muscle cramps, dizziness and even heat exhaustion. Stay hydrated and your body will be firing on all cylinders.