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Six Ways to Keep your Motivation

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Six Ways to Keep your Motivation

Ever have one of those days where you just can’t seem to find the motivation to go exercise? You aren’t alone, most everyone has a few of these moments in their life, even myself. The problem with this is that if you can’t find the motivation to get back into your routine, you might never get out! Believe me, I’ve been there! So I am going to share with you a few tricks and ideas that helped me get out of a slump.

  1. Make a Motivation Board. Collect images of other athletes whose physiques you admire or strive to emulate and glue them to a piece of poster board. Including motivational phrases and quotes on your board will help inspire you to make the day count and do something your future self with thank you for. Make sure to display your Inspiration board somewhere you see it everyday, preferably where you will see it the moment you wake up. Kick start your day feeling confident and motivated to get yourself one step closer to reaching your goals!

  2. Set an alarm to go off across the room. This works for me EVERY TIME! I’m telling you, when you’re trying to sleep there’s nothing worse than something waking you up that you have no control over. This little technique forces me out of bed to turn off the alarm! If you have trouble getting out of bed… here’s your solution!

  3. Set the alarm to your favorite song. You can always set your alarm to an annoying beeping sound but who wants to wake irritated? NOT ME! I try to set my alarm clock to go off to my favorite song, or a radio station that plays great music! Wake up happy and ready to make a change!

  4. Sleep in your workout clothes. Seriously. If you’re not a morning person then getting dressed for the gym is one less thing you have to worry about. Not only are workout clothes comfortable to sleep in, but you can just get up and go when you wake up! No excuses!

  5. Keep only healthy food in the house. Doing this will avoid any temptations you might have when you have unhealthy foods laying around. However, if you’re like me and live with someone who isn’t cautious of his or her eating habits, try keeping your food separate from theirs. And who knows, you might even inspire them to starting reconsidering their diet when they become envious of your healthy lifestyle and it starts showing in your physique!

  6. Make all of your food ahead of time. If getting motivated to eat healthy is your issue then prepping your meals ahead of time is what you NEED TO DO. Sure, keeping healthy food around is helpful but sometimes the issue is portion control. Weighing your food to the proper amounts ahead of time will ensure that you stick to a good diet and aren’t over eating.

I have done every one of these things to help keep me motivated and working towards my goals. They worked for me and I hope they work for you as well! Stay fit!

Elizabeth Brown, most often referred to as Liz, is a 23-year-old California girl, born and raised in the suburbs of the Bay Area. She is a health and fitness enthusiast as well as a Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Liz is a full-time student studying at San Francisco State University earning her Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology. Her journey in fitness began when she won’s 2012 Fit USA Competition and placed 2nd at the 2012 NPC Bikini Championships as a fitness competitor. From there, she aspires to earn her Pro Card in the IFBB as a Bikini Competitor. Her hobbies include anything and everything related to being outdoors; you name it, she loves it! This workout junkie and fitness foodie is on a mission to inspire and motivate others to become the best versions of themselves they can be!