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Wile E.
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Brandon Hendrickson's 3 Tips To Shed Fat For Summer

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Brandon Hendrickson's 3 Tips To Shed Fat For Summer - Beast Sports Nutrition

Brandon Hendrickson, the 2018 Men's Physique Mr. Olympia, knows a thing or two about getting shredded. Here's his top three tips to help you get shredded this summer! 

Tip #1: Make Sure You’re Drinking Water 

Drink lots of fluids! Early and often. You don’t want to wait until you’re thirsty to drink because by that time you may be suffering from mild dehydration. There are many ways to monitor hydration, one major way is keeping an eye out for the color of your urine. A pale-yellow color means you’re getting enough fluid. Bright yellow or dark urine means you’re not drinking enough water! Up to 60% of our body is water so it’s important to stay hydrated in order for your muscles and organs to perform properly.

Tip #2: Angles Are Your Friend

 Use your angles! There are typical forms for particular workouts but when you change the angle or the hand/foot position for your workout, you’re now activating new muscle tissue to be broken down and repaired in order for growth. One example is using a leg press, the closer your foot stance is, the more the exercise targets the quads, a wider foot stance targets hamstrings and glutes. Utilize your angles to maximize the full potential of the muscle group!

Tip #3: The Power of Grapefruit

When eating grapefruit, it can get pretty sour and tart but there’s a much easier way to eat it if you’re not into the sour flavor! My favorite thing to do with grapefruit is cutting it in half, drizzle on some honey and sprinkle on a little cinnamon. Then, bake or broil for a few minutes until charred. It tastes amazing and makes the grapefruit much sweeter! I use this to curve cravings when prepping for shows! Benefits of grapefruit are that it's rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber – making it one of the healthiest citrus fruits you can eat. It can also aid in weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease.


Speaking of weight loss tips, I also use thermogenics like 2 Shredded to aid not only improve my energy and increase metabolism but also to lose body fat. I like to take 2 Shredded after my fasted cardio because it continues to keep my body at a high level in order to continue burning fat even when not in some form of activity. I also take it after cardio because my energy usually decreases after afterward so taking 2 Shredded gives me more energy throughout the whole day! 


Click here to get your 2 Shredded and start getting the body you want for summer now!