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David G.
David G.
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Great taste and mixes well. I will definitely be buying more.

Wile E.
Wile E.
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Great test boosters in a natural form best bang for your buck.

Become A Pull-Up Beast

Posted by Erin Connolly on

Become A Pull-Up Beast
We all want to be that beast in the gym knocking out unassisted pull-ups like it’s no big deal, but how do you become a pull-up Beast? How do you go from not being able to pull yourself up once, to repping out multiple unassisted pull-ups? Follow these simple steps to increase your back strength and endurance. Know The Lingo:
  1. Chin-up = your palms are facing yourself
  2. Pull-up = your palms face away from yourself
  3. Negative Pull-up = jump up into a pull up (chin above bar) and lower yourself down very slowly back to starting position
Chin-ups are less difficult than pull-ups. This program can be used for either, but beginners should start with chin-ups. First thing is to find your baseline. How many pull-ups can you do with an assistive band? Place both knees in band and perform as many chin-ups as possible. This is your “N”. Second thing is to find how much weight you can do on the lat pull-down machine for 5 reps (you should not be able to complete a 6th rep). This is your “X”. Week 1 - Monday:
  • N pull-ups with assistive band
  • 3 Negative pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X weight
Week 1 - Wednesday:
  • N+1 pull-ups with assistive band
  • 4 Negative pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+5lb weight
Week 1 - Friday:
  • N+2 pull-ups with assistive band
  • 5 Negative pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+10lb weight
Week 2 - Monday:
  • N+3 pull-ups with assistive band
  • 6 Negative pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+10lb weight
Week 2 - Wednesday:
  • N+4 pull-ups with assistive band
  • 7 Negative pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+15lb weight
Week 2 - Friday:
  • N+5 pull-ups with assistive band
  • 8 Negative pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 5 on lat pull down machine with X+20lbs
Follow the same pattern for as many weeks as you need before you feel like you’re ready to attempt being a pull-up Beast.