Measure of Success

Posted by BEAST Sports on

One thing that almost every person will answer differently is how they personally measure success. Success to me means, reaching goals that I have set whether its a short term goal or long term goal. Your success also depends on where YOU set the bar. You can make every day successful with realistic goals. Maybe you want to drop 10 lbs so you can fit into your favorite pair of pants, maybe you want to compete and place high in a fitness competition, or just maybe you want to grace the cover of a major fitness magazine. Those are 3 different levels of success but if you ask me they all sound like amazing goals to strive for! Once again it all depends on how YOU measure success. Personally my measure of success means that ALL of my personal training clients reach their goals and are happy within their own skin! I wanted to earn my IFBB pro card in Mens Physique, little did I know it would happen so quickly! Next on my list is to represent and be sponsored by a company that I truly care about and believe in their products at the same time!   (I’m sure you can figure out who I like most considering where you are reading this blog! ;) I also like inspiring people and helping people on a daily basis. The most important person that I have reached out to just happens to be my own mother. Just in a matter of two years my mother has gone from never stepping foot into a gym and having zero motivation to workout, to being a successful les mills instructor and she is now teaching classes with a huge following! (I’m so proud of her!) Are you reaching your goals? If you don’t know how to measure your success than ask yourself what you need to do to be successful and just fill in the blanks! You have the power to be successful no matter what! So with all that being said how do you measure success?  Set the bar, reach for the sky and touch the moon!    width=Michael is a 22 year old NPC Men’s Physique Competitor. He earned his IFBB Pro card at Nationals Nov 19 2011. He has also earned 3 nationally accredited personal training certifications and has managed several personal training companies up and down the East coast helping thousands of people reach their fitness goals. His ultimate goal is to inspire and help anyone that he can to reach their maximum fitness potential!