Future Plans

Posted by Connie K on

 width=Completing the 50-mile North Face Endurance challenge in Madison this September was a significant accomplishment for me in my marathon journey.  Over the course of the last two years, I was able to not only improve my personal record time by over an hour and qualify for the Western States 100 mile by nearly an hour and a half, but I was also able to add nearly twenty pounds of mass to my frame.  Simultaneously adding mass and shaving minutes off my finish time has been a previous goal of mine, and meeting my goal is something I am proud of. Although I’m excited about my personal performance, I’m not content.  There is much room for improvement and I won’t settle for less than my best.  I want to push my body further.  I truly want to know what I am capable of.  This next year I am looking to take my first steps toward running 100 consecutive miles.  I have had my mind set on running 100 miles in a day every since I was first exposed to the world of ultra-marathons. Attempting to gain weight and increase race distance simultaneously may be unorthodox and it may be a challenge, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.  As I’ve aged, I have gained both experience and knowledge, my training is more exact, my diet is cleaner, and my attitude has matured.  Listening to my body as I approach my personal limits will be crucial. I don’t want to overdo it and I definitely don’t want to injure myself, but at the same time I don’t want to live life not knowing what I am truly capable of. I appreciate all the support I have had thus far and I am thankful for each and every one of my followers.  If you are interested in following along with my progress feel free to follow along with either @TeamBurdick or @BeastSports on twitter.   Jack Burdick is majoring in Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota and along with hisweightlifting workouts, he competes in marathons and ultra-marathons (50 mile races) and is looking to earn a Cross-Fit title or to be recognized with The World’s Fittest Man title which is reserved for an ultra endurance power athlete.