5 Weeks Out

Posted by connie b on

I can rest when I retire. People ask me all the time if I ever get tired of "dieting" and being so strict with my training, my lifestyle. It's an easy question, yes, I get tired, but quitting is not an option. Prepping for NPC competitions has been apart of my life for seven years and I have a love hate relationship with the "lifestyle". I love the discipline and seeing results from my hard work.  What do I hate? Driving home from work, so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Feeling deprived and hungry, but I push through because I made a commitment. I'm in the trenches right now, preparing for my second national show of the season after placing first in my class at Masters Nationals. I have 5 weeks to tighten up and drop 4-6 pounds. If you're not "in" the sport, this basically means I'll be pounding my body into the ground with early morning cardio sessions (5am), weight training on my lunch hour (noon) and another cardio session after I get my kids to bed (9pm). This is the nature of the BEAST. Train hard, diet hard and pray your body responds with a leaner,tighter physique. I start my morning cardio with a shot of L-Carnetine and Beast Sports Amphatalean or 2 shredded. Follow me for 5 weeks as I apply the three "D's" into my life, everday: DIET, DISCIPLINE and DRIVE. Like I said, I can rest when I retire...maybe! Holly Beast Sports Athlete    width= Holly Powell joined her first gym in 1992 and after that it was love at first sight.  She entered her first NPC Figure competition in May of 2003 and has been successfully competing ever since. Outside of figure competition she is a mother, wife, and works outside of the home.