Revisiting Your New Years Resolutions

Posted by Jack Burdick on

How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along? It’s been roughly two months since you officially started working towards your goals for 2015. Are you still on track? If not, maybe it’s time to reevaluate what you’d like to accomplish and revisiting your new years resolutions. It’s easy to be ambitious with goals for the New Year in January, but the reality is that after a couple weeks some may realize their goals may have been a bit too ambitious for their lifestyle. If you happen to have a few goals that you’re currently not meeting, maybe it’s time to rethink your goals. A good starting point may be to rewrite your goals in a new format, I recommend trying the “mini-goal” method I discuss in this article -- . If you still aren’t meeting your goals after simply reforming your goals into mini-goals, another approach may be necessary. Reflection and reevaluation are important parts to my goal setting process and I encourage others to do the same. Too often I hear of people giving up entirely on their goals because “it just wasn’t possible,” or because, “they just don’t have time.” Sometimes these may be excuses, but sometimes there are unplanned events that can affect your ability to meet your goals. Rather than giving up on these goals, rethink them. For example; a common New Years Resolution is to workout five days a week for an hour each session. Let’s pretend adjusting to this schedule has been difficult and it is no longer possible. Don’t give up on your goal! Instead, set a new, slightly easier goal. This goal could be modified to workout four times a week for 45 minutes each time. The new goal will still help push you towards reaching your overall fitness goals, but will be a bit easier to manage with your busy schedule. If you don’t seem to be reaching your New Years Resolutions, don’t become discouraged and give up on them. There’s still a lot of time left in the year and reevaluating your goals now so you can continue to progress towards them, rather then giving up on them entirely, will pay off at the end of the year.