Beast Log Super Test- Lonnie B.

Posted by Connie K on

August 15th was the first workout I've done since starting my Super Test from Beast Sports Saturday.  I wanted to have a couple days worth of the supplement in my system before I got in my first workout.  Today is the third day of taking Super Test.  I'm taking three capsules in the morning before breakfast, and three capsules before dinner.  The recommended dose is 3-4 caps twice per day, so I think I've struck a good balance.  I will re-evaluate after 2 weeks or so and decide if I'll move up to 4 capsules twice per day. This morning I planned on my usual chest/back superset routine, but after my first two back exercises, my lower back wasn't feeling 100%.  I believe that one key to success in the gym is to listen to your body.  I'm not talking about knowing when to make an excuse, I'm talking about when to know to push and when to tweak things.  I knew my lower back wasn't feeling "it", so I didn't push it this morning.  I mixed it up a bit from my usual routine.  It's these choices, and knowing when to listen to your body that can often produce results. Despite not doing my usual back work, I still put in the same amount of intensity, just with different lifts.  I wasn't going to let a little lower back issue get my whole workout down the tube.  I warmed up with 5 minutes on the treadmill and was ready to go.  I had pretty good energy throughout the workout and felt strong today.  Here are the lifts from this morning. Bench Press Warmup: 35 reps with the bar only First superset:  Bench Press/Low Cable Row - 1 superset, followed by 90 seconds rest. 110x20/110x12 145x12/145x12 190x10/145x10 205x6/145x12 135x14/145x13 Second Superset: Incline Press/T-bar Row - 1 superset, followed by 90 seconds rest between supersets 105x10/90x10 115x10/135x10 135x10/135x12 135x10/135x10 It was @ this point that I could tell that my lower back wasn't at 100%, so I decided to mix up the rest of the workout and focus a bit more solely on chest and a bit of shoulders. Dumbbell Flys: - 1 set, followed by 60 seconds rest between sets 50x10 (25lbs each side) 50x12 50x12 50x12 50x12 Cable Crossovers: 1 set, followed by 90 seconds rest between sets 60x12 (30lbs each side) 70x12 (35lbs each side) 70x12 70x12 70x12 Arnold Press: 1 set, followed by 60 seconds rest between sets 40x10 (20lbs each hand) 80x8 (40lbs each hand) 50x10 (25lbs each hand)   Get Big, Be Strong, Keep Fit and Stay Healthy.  width=From 9-5, Lonnie sits in front of a computer.  Outside of being an IT Geek, he's an athlete who's familiar with the cycle of being fit-fat-fit that so many of us struggle with.  Down from his highest weight of 300lbs in June 2009, he's made the permanent lifestyle change to remain Big. Strong. Fit. Healthy.  When not spending time with his wife, son and daughter, he's at the gym keeping off the fat and adding quality lean mass.