12 Day Holiday Cleanse

Posted by connie b on

If you’re worried about packing on a few pounds throughout the holiday season, prepping your body with this 12 day holiday cleanse might be a good solution for you. Detoxing your body in a natural way is a great opportunity to reset before the holidays. If you want to challenge yourself and start fresh then try my 12 Days of Christmas Cleanse! Meal 1: Berry Protein Shake 1 cup Coconut Water 1-2 scoops BEAST Vanilla Protein powder 1 cup Mixed berries (frozen works great for the berries) ½ cup Blueberries ½ cup Raspberries 2 Tbs. Ground Flaxseed Meal 2: Green Veggie Juice In a juicer (I use the Jack LaLanne Juicer) mix the following: ½ Cucumber 3 stalks of Celery 1 cup Spinach 3 stalks thick Asparagus 1 leaf of Kale 1 inch of Ginger Root ½ Green Pear Meal 3: Large Salad Large bowl of Leafy Greens 1 cup of cooked mixed veggies (I like broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower) ½ avocado Splash with a little EVOO, Balsamic Vinegar, and Pepper Meal 4: 2 Cups cooked veggies 2 Tbs. Hummus 20 Raw Almonds Meal 5: Green Veggie Juice Meal 6: Another large salad like meal three as well as 1 scoop of BEAST Protein powder mixed with water or almond milk. This cleanse can be done anywhere from 3-12 days but vigorous cardio exercise should be limited due to low caloric intake. Also make sure you are drinking at least one gallon of water each day. Sipping on Dandelion Root Tea throughout the day to help give you the extra energy you need. The cleanse will help detox your body and eliminate excess water weight your body was hanging onto. Challenge yourself and be prepared and ready for the new year! Elizabeth Brown is 22 years old born and raised in San Jose, California. Sheis a full time student in the process of transferring to San Jose State University to complete her Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology. As Bodybuilding.com’s 2012 Fit USA Winner, Fitness Model, Spokes Model for Bodybuilding.com’s upcoming B-Elite clothing series, NPC Bikini Competitor, and newly Certified Personal Trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, she aspires to build a career in the Health and Fitness industry to further help and inspire others to achieve their fitness goals.