My new love...
Posted by BEAST Sports on
No...not the girl, but Pilates. I was always curious about this really fancy room in my gym, filled with all these machines called 'reformers'. Really, it's so pretty in there- everything is bamboo around you, and it feels like a little hideaway- and the music? makes me want to nap! So I signed up for a private class and one minute I was to the point that I couldn't do it anymore and the next came the stretch which was oh so awesome! I tried another private yesterday and then I am going to do the class ones because hello, it's less money and Christmas is coming so I gotta save. But the ratio is 4:1 and no sharing of machines.
At first I was a little "great! these women are yoga crunchy people...the music is mellow and it just smells really good in here...this can't be good". Then she started in on me- my 'coach' who was all of 80lbs was guiding me through these exercises which some really made me want to punch her in the stomach but when she would stretch me, that would be the best part, so I'd fall in love with her all over again.
Thankfully, by the end, I felt like melted butter. I just wanted a nap or a cigarette- couldn't decide- although I don't smoke, but you get the point. And dare I say, almost as good as a massage? I didn't break a sweat, I felt I worked my muscles (and today am a wee bit sore) and if I keep at it, I'm supposed to look leaner!?! hell yeah! sign me up!
I really thought I had lost my flexibility but by the end, my head went all the way down to my knees! I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone-it's supposed to be the best thing for you since....chocolate? I even got the husband to try it out- he's having his 1 hour intro when he gets back- it's supposed to help prevent athletic injuries so you know we're all over that.
I'm so glad I tried it...and if your gym has it- give it a shot.
So inquiring minds want to know- What have you done lately to change up your routine?
By day, Jane is usually playing tennis, working and a newbie to the world of weights. By night, she lives and breathes twitter, facebook and writing (if in fact she can actually lift her arms up to her keyboard from all the arm work from the day before). She also spends a lot of time near a swimming pool and being taxi driver to a swarm of pre-teen girls. She has a weakness for cupcakes an Diet Coke (not together though) but is changing that to broccoli and water. You can find her on twitter at @BeastSportsGirl, on Facebook at or by email at