Beast + Olympia =A great combination
Posted by BEAST Sports on
This past weekend Beast Sports was in attendance at the Mr. Olympia Expo and we couldn't have asked for a better show. Congratulations go out to all the winners, in particular to Phil Heath.
You know that saying, 'if you build it, they will come?" Well our booth became a 'go-to' place for many bodybuilding athletes and enthusiasts to come and visit, get some samples and purchase some of our most sought after products and gear. The compliments were pouring out of everyone who stopped by: compliments about our products, our branding, our booth and we can't wait until we see everyone again at the Arnold.
We were also pleased to meet a ton of new distributors from all over the country; which means, expect to see us all over the world in the coming months. It was great seeing and catching up with some of our partners at Vitamin Shoppe, Europa,, Natural Distributors in Australia and many others.
We had a blast, and can't wait to do it again. Hope to see you at the Arnold!